Sunday, June 26, 2011

Work (Much Laughter, No Applause)

The only good thing about work is air-conditioning. Mark my words, children, and frame them in a gold frame and set them by your bed: "Work sucks balls".

Yes, I suppose that is a rather graphic way to express my dislike for work, but nothing less would suffice. Work sucks balls. Now, I haven't even begun officially working for any organization yet. All I'm doing is interning, and that too with a nice humanitarian organization. However, my first-hand experience of work is definitely not very positive. (What is it with me and understatements?)

First off, the hours are inhuman. One would suppose that toiling for nine-odd months in school for an amazingly large chunk of our lives would entitle us to some form of relaxation in our later years. Apparently not. 8:30 a.m, all the way through midday and up to 3:30 p.m, unless your employers want you to stay back, that is. I wonder who came up with the entire working-early-in-the-morning deal. IT'S SUMMER DAMN IT! At least let your interns come in at 11. But no, children, no such luck.

Second, the people. Even if you hadn't been stuck with a bunch of self-righteous old men trying to model you into a robotic slave (I kid my employers...but seriously :P), you would still realize that the people at your workplace are out to get you. There are no friendships in an office. (Said Eman Vader, in an icy, demonic voice. And thus a meme was born. Sorry, I'm rambling again) BUT SERIOUSLY. On a serious note, there is an immense amount of leg-pulling going on in the common Pakistani office, and the few instances that I was confronted with it have served to teach me a lot about human behavior. Clue: Suck up to your superiors or die. I'd heard about all this stuff before, but seeing it changed my naive perception about work colleagues. Oh well.

Third, well, I don't know. Hmm. It's pretty boring, once you're done with the work and the novelty wears off. I half expect these people to catch some form of cabin fever and go on a killing spree, decapitating everyone who annoys them, one by one. (Or maybe that's just me)

Oh, great. Now I'm supposed to go to some random office to learn some transferable (Read: disposable) skills. Sounds dodgy, mate. All hail Evo, or else I'd die in this place.

As a subtle parting thought: Balls to work.

1 comment:

  1. I see you are writing! Can we have a bit more of that on a regular basis? Please?
