Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's Not Fun When You're Sober

I believe in signs. I believe in destiny, too, but that's irrelevant. So, yesterday, I happened to see a full double rainbow. Now, as much as I hate to admit it, I've always been something of a rainbow freak, and the sight of that too-bloody-awesome-to-be-true arc in the clear post-rain sky gave me a lot to think about.

See, I was quite depressed yesterday, and when I'm depressed, it takes a lot to cheer me up. A double rainbow falls in that category, I suppose, because it gave me hope. I don't know why, but I stared at it until it was out of sight.

I've always thought in shades of black, grey, white and a crude crimson. Now, I'm beginning to think that perhaps the rest of the spectrum is there for a reason, or else rainbows would be like zebra crossings.

Maybe it's time to let the colors in. After all, I do believe in signs, and I can't visualize a more obvious sign than a double rainbow. ;)

P.S: On a lighter, less pseudo-philosophical note, the rainbow reminded me of the viral Youtube video in which a stoned guy cries over a double rainbow. Too bad I was all out of Coke. XD